Monday, December 19, 2005

Free at last!

Happy to report that the doctor finally got back to me and that, yes indeedy, I am hantavirus free. Unhappy to report that it only took the guy nearly a week to let me know the lab results. I think I'll sue for unnecessary emotional harm caused by his lack of promptness. I mean, it's not like he didn't have the results last Thursday (he did) and I didn't call to specifically ask him to get back to me ASAP (I did).

Oh well, it's status quo with this doctor to get back to me aeons after the fact.

Just last month I was sick in bed (with what turned out to be food poisoning) and called him asking him if the medication he'd just prescribed the day before might be causing my violent sickness. But does he call me back to let me know if I need to get my stomach pumped? Oh no. FIVE DAYS LATER he leaves me a message telling me to stop taking the medication for a while and see if that fixes anything. Modern medicine at its best. Brilliant.

The worst was when I went in for a cholesterol test in 2002, only to have the doctor tell me TWO YEARS LATER in 2004, when I returned for an unrelated physical that, "Oh, by the way, those tests we did in 2002 showed you have really high cholesterol." Would have been a nice to know that before I lived another 730 days on cheeseburgers, french fries and pizza. Thanks doc.


At 4:36 AM, Blogger Derek said...

Congratulations on not having hantavirus. Now if we can just do something about those bloody lesions of yours...


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