Tuesday, June 27, 2006

T-minus 1:50 and counting

Ever have something looming in the distance that is so menacing that you can't do anything but wait for impending doom to arrive? Enter my Operations and Supply Chain Management final.

Still there? Good. I know even a remote mention of supply chain management has the potential to derail the most faithful reader, so I just wanted to be sure you were still with me.

So my teacher, bless his heart, is getting ready to retire. And you know what that means -- he officially stopped giving a crap about 10 years ago. Boy does it show. His "hint" for the final was to tell us that "70 percent would be computations and 30 percent short answer." What kind of lame hint is that? Is that somehow supposed to help me prepare in some way? All that tells me is that the test is going to be 70 percent of stuff I'm 100 percent sure I'm not going to know the answers to.

Dude, you know it's gonna be ugly when the guy declares at the start of class last week: "Now, a lot of you will probably ask yourself in the middle of the test, 'What planet is this guy from?' So, be ready for that."

It's encouraging words like this that have me TOTALLY FREAKED OUT. I'll let you know how I fare.


At 3:38 PM, Blogger CL said...

Oh, baybee ... you are going to do great!! No worries. You are a freakin' genius. True.

Just remember, when in doubt, always guess "c". "C" will never let you down.


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