Friday, January 25, 2008

Beatles v. Wings

So I got some iTunes gift certificates for Christmas and promptly used every last one of them on my latest aural endeavor - to listen to every Paul McCartney/Wings album ever recorded.

This is a somewhat monumental task. There are 30-plus albums.

Previously, all I've known of McCartney's post-Beatles output was a Wings greatest hits tape my Dad would play in the car during family vacations and PM's latest releases, from Flaming Pie onward.

My logic for doing this is as follows: I love the Beatles, they are the prototype for good rock music. McCartney was one of the four Beatles. In fact, he is one of the two Beatles whose songs I tend like (sorry Ringo and George, you just didn't bring it like Paul and John). It stands to reason that I will enjoy at least some of McCartney's solo/second band output.

As of this moment, I have listened to the first 6 PM/Wings albums. My general impression is that I liked the first two (which still feel Beatleseque to me) the others have been hit or miss. Mostly miss. Man, Paul could sure write some crappy/sappy/schlappy songs. Every once in a while he'll amaze with a "Live and Let Die," but more often than not he delivers a different kind of flaming pie.

My conclusion falls in line with one of my general life maxims - everybody needs an editor. People who think they don't are in sore need of a reality check. These are the same people who must like smelling their own farts in the shower. Sure, passing gassssss thusly gets everything out there, but, like the gentle correction of the editor's pen, there's a lot to be said for proper blue-jean filtration.


At 10:34 AM, Blogger Boyd said...

I love farting in the shower. There is just something about that extra stank that the water gives your farts that makes it such a strange, somewhat unpleasant, yet fully rewarding experience.

At 12:57 PM, Blogger G said...

I propose that the "extra stank" is in fact, not extra at all. It's your unadulterated stench. You usually have your underwear and pants to thank for sparing you, or in your case, curse for not sparing you.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Derek said...

i was going to comment on Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey, but i can't stop laughing

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Derek said...

also, what do you call a dog with wings? linda mccartney.


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