Thursday, January 12, 2006

Up all night

I am up at 2:40 a.m. because:

1.) I can't get enough of my corporate finance accounting. (Spreadsheets are the best!)
2.) I drank what must have been a double-shot diet Pepsi about an hour before bedtime. And
3.) When I did try to go to bed I coughed so much (yes, I am sick again) that I kept waking up my pregnant wife. For those of you about to embark on the wonderful journey of pregnancy, one thing I advise you is to let your wife sleep NO MATTER WHAT. Trust me on this. The person who created the cliche "let sleeping dogs lie" obviously didn't procreate.

So here I am. Typing. Trying to get sleepy.

The worst part: I know that when I do finally go to sleep I will want to keep doing so right past 8 a.m., the drop-dead time I must rise to prepare for a glorious day's work.

I guzzled some Vicks NyQuil about 30 minutes ago. It seems to have stopped the cough, but as of yet, no drowsiness to report. Vick is a way-cool name for somebody thuggish, don't you think? It screams thug. Oh, and Vinny, too.

I just realized something very important: this entry almost completely sucks. But that won't keep me from posting it. No sir. I am perfectly okay with being mediocre every once in a while. It kind of acts like a sorbet between courses, refreshing one's sense of taste and prepping the stomach for more of what is to come.

Body! By the power of Vick I command thee: Sleep!


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